Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Holiday is almost over...

Owh man!!!... Holiday is almost over and i'm back home in Woodlands. I have one assignment to upgrade which is stressful. Why??? coz i have three parts to add to it and it's like a fuckin' essay. Wow-wee... and to top of with that, the filling in my molar or nya orang kitani tambal gigi well tenaik and loose. It hurts and i haven't gone to the dentist yet. Not to complain coz i don't want to share that silly pain of mine with others. Menyampah ja karang. haaa... pi the pain, it comes and it goes.

Yesterday i received an e-mail from a long time friend, Ibnu. And just realised that it's been a while i haven't talked to him. Owh no wait!!! consider it ages. hahahaha...sorry my friend. i'll try making an effort updating you with mua here. Owh yeah, when i was so called vacationing at hermitage, i made new friends with Kush and Syah. Both are sisters to Minul, my senior in Loughborough. Well, meeting them was one of the best time of my and also to lots of us punya x-mas/new year holiday. hehehehe... here are some pics to show you the great time we had just before they fly back home to Brunei.

Wish ya all the best Kush and Syah.

Continuing my story. ahhh... Just recently i started back one of my all time favourite thing to do, swimming!!! yes!!! what a joy. I even dragged Sabri aka Bapak to join me but he doesn't know how to swim and aku volunteer lah ajar ia. Macam crash course lah katakan. During the holidays, man ... that dude has changed alot. Pandai tia begaya stylo-mylo, hop-hop 2 the hip hop... hahahaha bukan pulang awal-awal ia nampak dull tapi awal-awal tu banar eh nda hairan durang feelah panggil ia bapak mun he dressed so comfortably looking like a dad and even talks like one. And it was great to hang out with ya Sab, you a great dude or should i say bapak??? nanti th aku jadi lelaki pertama meng-adopt ko jadi bapak since ko banyak anak bini-bini dah. hahahahahaha...nadawah... just kidding. uuuuuuiiiii...!!! hahahahaha You people made my day.

And to Miyam, a great friend ... you rock beb!!! Siuk ku hangout dengan ko, azan, ka yus, ka haz and sesiapa saja yang terlibat. I thank you you lots a gazillion. so gald you people were around during the holidays, makin kapkun lagi tani. No regrets on that. uuuuiii...!!! any heart feelings, minta maaf ye.

Break's almost over and now back to my work.

Nanti lagi ku creta.


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