Today, X-mas eve and hanging out at hermitage...staying up late, atching movies, hahahaha what a x-mas holiday. i can't imagine or predict what we are going to do for the new year. excited. I've been venturing out UK, not that much though but i go as far as Manchester. hehehe...Places i have been would be London, Loughborough of course, Warwick (Coventry), Manchester, Leicester, Derby and Nottingham. Best place yet i like is Nottingham. Why??? Well, there i like to go ice skating which i did and bowling and the shopping centre is much bigger than other places i went to, excluding London that is. hehehehe...siuk kali ah.
Melayaning perasaan on the way to Nottingham
Owh ya, i just got a new name which is 'z u l z a i t u n' . hahahaha Don't ask why i got that name coz it's a long story. hahahaahah dropping that topic. Moving on to activities that i like to do. Since joining the Lufbru society, i've been having a blast with the activities that are being set. I love playing netball and badminton. I know i love swimming as well but i just don't have time to go for it. Plus not all of us prefer swimming since it's a cold season time. Owh yeah, my besties Sabby and syam are near by, thank god. hehehe but Sabby's back home enjoying the heat and warmth of my home. huhuhuhuh,,,tak pe.. i'll be back by end of may.
Man!!! i really miss my friends back home... i would named names but i just to want to accidentally missed out some people which could make them feel left out and offended. sorry ya. hahahaha and Mizah K!!! thanx for the lovely b'day greeting in your blog. Appreciate it!!!
Gonna go now coz i want to continue watching korean drama.
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